Volunteer Opportunities

Get Involved!

There are many opportunities for members to volunteer and get involved at the component, constituent, and national level! We encourage you to get the most out of your membership and actively participate!


Your component is the state or province where you live. Each has its own independent association. Getting involved at the local level is a great way participate in leadership, education and advocacy! Contact your component to see what opportunities may be available at the state/province level:  Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Ontario and Pennsylvania.

Constituent - GLAO

Every AAO member is automatically assigned to a constituent based upon where you live. The Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists (GLAO) has members from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Ontario and Western Pennsylvania.

Here are some current volunteer opportunities at the GLAO:

·        GLAO Delegate to the AAO House of Delegates:

The AAO House of Delegates is the ultimate governing body of the AAO and meets every year at the AAO annual session. Members of the Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists serve as our representatives to the AAO House of Delegates. Delegates and Alternate Delegates are elected annually by the GLAO membership. Those elected will serve a two-year term. The GLAO Nominating Committee is seeking interested and qualified candidates to serve at the AAO House of Delegates.

Click here to view the position description. If you are interested in serving the GLAO as a Delegate at the 2026 and 2027 AAO House of Delegates, please submit a letter of interest to the GLAO office at GLAO@AssnOffices.com by March 1, 2025. If you have any questions about this position, please contact the GLAO office (877-274-6420; GLAO@AssnOffices.com).

  •           Share your knowledge and expertise!

Submit an article for consideration in the GLAO e-news, a quarterly e-news bulletin to GLAO@AssnOfffices.com. GLAO Coffee Chats provide informal opportunities to engage with other members! If you have a topic in mind or would like to facilitate a discussion, contact GLAO@AssnOffices.com! 

National - AAO

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) has many opportunities for member participation.

Here are some current volunteer opportunities:

·        AAO National Advocacy Network (NAN):

There are two opportunities within the NAN that exist: The Component Advocacy Liaison (CAL), open to US and Canadian membership; The AAOPAC Captain, open to US citizens and permanent residents only.

Members are invited to join the candidate search within every state and province across the United States and Canada with possible opportunities for two roles.  The AAO is recruiting for a Component Advocacy Liaison (CAL) in Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and an AAOPAC Captain in Pennsylvania.  We will continue to build state Component Advocacy Liaison teams in all states, so even if there has been a CAL identified in a state, we encourage you to reach out to be considered as a part of the NAN Team in that state. Interested AAO members can reach out to Kim VanVeen, AAO Specialist of Grassroots and Digital Advocacy, at KVanVeen@aaortho.org, or send the text message "NAN" to 52886, and Kim will set up time to discuss the opportunities.

·        AAOF Donated Orthodontic Services (DOS):

The Donated Orthodontic Services (DOS) program provides orthodontic treatment to children from families with a financial need. The purpose of DOS: create opportunities for children to have access to professional orthodontic intervention through a volunteer network of AAO members. Consider serving as a program provider! To learn more about the DOS program or becoming a DOS volunteer, contact DOS Program Administrator, at dos@aaortho.org or (314) 292-6582.